Labour campaigners
Labour campaigners

Thursday 28th November starting at 7pm

All members of the CLP will receive an email over the next few days with an agenda, documents and reports ahead of our November All Members meeting.

At the meeting we will be debating the policies and priorities that members in Cheltenham would like to see in the County Labour Party Manifesto and promoted ahead of the May 2025 Gloucestershire County Council elections.

May 2025 will see an opportunity to remove the ruling Conservative group from power in Gloucestershire, something they have held for the last 20 years.

Take part in the debate at our all members meeting, make your views known and help set the priorities for the election campaign next May.

The meeting will be held in the Montpellier Room, Municipal Offices, The Promenade, Cheltenham , GL50 9SA Please use the Council Committee Room entrance to enter the building.

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