Representing Labour in Cheltenham

How we organise locally is described on the Team page. As well as attending events, campaigning and supporting Labour, there are roles you can hold to represent the Labour Party in Cheltenham.

Our constituency Labour party (CLP) is managed by the members who elect officers to administer the CLP. Additional co-ordinator roles depend on local needs. Role holders form the Executive Committee which puts into effect the decisions of members, co-ordinate local action and report back to all members.

Officer positions can be shared by a maximum of two members, excluding Chair and Treasurer due to the statutory responsibilities of these roles. Officers are all voting members of the Executive Committee. Co-ordinators are encouraged to attend Executive Committee meetings to report on their work and share expertise with colleagues but shall not be voting members unless elected to the Executive Committee as individuals.

Current role holders are listed on the Executive Committee page.

CLP Officers and co-ordinators


Chair: Facilitates meetings, decisions and ensures the local party operates fairly and openly by ensuring everyone is listened to and has their say.

Secretary: Acts as the figurehead in the local party who organises and ensures everything gets done.

Treasurer: Takes charge of the local party’s finances, and helps the local party build the financial resources to run effective campaigns by setting budgets and fundraising targets.

Vice-Chair: Stands in when the Chair is not available and helps the other officers make sure everything gets done.

Vice-Chair (Membership): Leads on engagement and retention ensuring the local party grows, and members feel valued, are up to date on how they can get involved and get as much as they can out of their membership.

Policy Officer: Leads policy-making process and encourages members to help develop Labour Party policy.

Women’s Officer: Represents women members and ensures the local party engages with women voters.

BAME Officer: Represents BAME members and ensures the local party engages with Black Asian and Ethnic Minority voters.

Disability Officer: Represents disabled members and ensures the local party engages with disabled voters.

LGBT+ Officer: Represents LGBT members and ensures the local party engages with LGBT voters.

Youth Officer: Represents young members and makes sure the local party engages with young voters.

Trade Union Liaison Officer: Strengthens the link between affiliated trade unions and the local party.

Political Education and Training Officer: Organises and facilitates regular political education events and discussions.

Communications and Social Media Officer: Works to provide a proactive communications strategy, and increase the local party’s profile and campaigns in local press and broadcast media (Communications). Co-ordinates a presence online and helps run integrated campaigns using digital channels alongside more traditional methods (Social Media).


Campaign Coordinator: Leads on the planning and delivery of constituency-based campaigning – elected by the Campaign Committee.

Community Involvement Coordinator: Helps develop relationships between the local party and community, identify key issues, and work with community leaders and local people to develop and lead winnable campaigns.

Membership Retention and Recruitment Coordinator: Encourages existing members to retain their membership and recruits new members.

Fundraising Coordinator: Ensures the local party has the funds to meet its financial commitments and supports campaigning.

Information Technology Coordinator: Ensures that the local party is using technology to engage with members, supporters and the public, and to further their campaign goals.

Branch positions

The members in each branch (North, South, East and West) elect a Branch Chair and a Branch Secretary. These roles involve organising branch events and liaising with the CLP.

Affiliate representatives

Organisations such as trade unions, socialist societies or cooperatives who are directly affiliated to our CLP and affiliated to Labour nationally, may appoint a member of our CLP to the Executive Committee to represent their interest. This member will be an ex-officio member with voting powers of the Executive Committee.


Auditor: Two are elected to audit the CLP accounts.

Election agent: Liaises with other agents within the local authority area in order to ensure a unified and coordinated campaign – appointed by the Campaign Committee.

County Council Group delegate: Delegate to County Council meetings.

If you are a member of Cheltenham Labour Party and you are interested in finding out more information about these voluntary roles, please contact us or come and talk about the details at a meeting.

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